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Section: Application Domains

Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing is currently the most promising technology to extend Moore's law, whose end is expected with the engraving at 7 nm, in less than 5 years. Thanks to the exponential computational power it will bring, it will represent a decisive competitive advantage for those who will control it.

Quantum Computing is also a major security issue, since it allows us to break today's asymmetric cryptography. Hence, mastering quantum computing is also of the highest importance for national security concerns. Recent scientific and technical advances suggest that the construction of the first quantum computers will be possible in the coming years, even if their capabilities will not allow to reach the so-called quantum supremacy at first.

As a result, the major US players in the IT industry have embarked on a dramatic race, mobilizing huge resources: IBM, Microsoft, Google and Intel have each invested between 20 and 50 million euros, and are devoting significant budgets to attract and hire the best scientists on the planet. Some states have launched ambitious national programs, including Great Britain, the Netherlands, Canada, China, Australia, Singapore, and very recently Europe, with the upcoming 10-year FET Flagship program in Quantum Engineering.

While a large part of these resources are going towards R-&-D in quantum hardware, there is still an important need and real opportunities for leadership in the field of quantum software.

The Mocqua team contributes to the computer science approach to quantum computing, aka the quantum software approach. We aim at a better understanding of the power and limitations of the quantum computer, and therefore of its impact on society. We also contribute to ease the development of the quantum computer by filling the gap between the theoretical results on quantum algorithms and complexity and the recent progresses in quantum hardware.